
Publications 2024
Optimizing Path Termination for Radiance Caching Through Explicit Variance Trading
Authors: Lukas Kandlbinder, Addis Dittebrandt, Alexander Schipek and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Volume 7, Issue 3, HPG, 2024.
ReSTIR Subsurface Scattering for Real-Time Path Tracing
Authors: Mirco Werner, Vincent Schüßler, and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: PACMCGIT (Proceedings of High Performance Graphics), 7(3), 2024.
Bridge Sampling for Connections via Multiple Scattering Events
Authors: Vincent Schüßler, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), 43(4), 2024.
A Fast GPU Schedule For À-Trous Wavelet-Based Denoisers
Authors: Reiner Dolp Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Volume 7, Issue 1, I3D, 2024
Publications 2023
Fast Compressed Segmentation Volumes for Scientific Visualization
Authors: Max Piochowiak, and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Will be presented at: IEEE Vis, 2023. Best Paper Award
Perceptually Guided Automatic Parameter Optimization for Interactive Visualization
Authors: Daniel Opitz, Tobias Zirr, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Lorenzo Tessari
Will be presented at: VMV, 2023.
Minimal Convolutional Neural Networks for Temporal Anti Aliasing
Authors: Killian Herveau, Max Piochowiak, and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: High-Performance Graphics - Symposium Papers, 2023.
Markov Chain Mixture Models for Real-Time Direct Illumination
Authors: Addis Dittebrandt, Vincent Schüßler, Johannes Hanika, Sebastian Herholz and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum, 42(4), 2023.
Stochastic Subsets for BVH Construction
Authors: Lorenzo Tessari, Addis Dittebrandt, Michael Doyle and Carsten Benthin Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum, 42(2), 2023. Honourable Mention
Out-of-the-loop Autotuning of Metropolis Light Transport with Reciprocal Probability Binning
Authors: Killian Herveau, Hisanari Otsu, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Will be presented at: EG, 2023.
Publications 2022
A microfacet-based hair scattering model
Authors: Weizhen Huang, Matthias Hullin, and Johannes Hanika
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), 41(4), 2022.
Path guiding with vertex triplet distributions
Authors: Vincent Schüßler, Johannes Hanika, Alisa Jung, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), 41(4), 2022.
Once-more scattered next event estimation for volume rendering
Authors: Johannes Hanika, Andrea Weidlich, and Marc Droske
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), 41(4), 2022.
Image-based Visualization of Large Volumetric Data Using Moments
Authors: Tobias Rapp, Christoph Peters and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. PacificVis) 28, 6.
Permutation Coding for Vertex-Blend Attribute Compression
Authors: Christoph Peters, Bastian Kuth and Quirin Meyer
Published: Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (Proc. i3D) 5, 1.
Publications 2021
Analysis of Acceleration Structure Parameters and Hybrid Autotuning for Ray Tracing
Authors: Killian Herveau, Philip Pfaffe, Martin Tillmann, Walter F. Tichy, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: IEEE Transaction on Visualisation and Computer Graphics, September 2021
Fast Temporal Reprojection without Motion Vectors
Authors: Johannes Hanika, Lorenzo Tessari, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, September 2021.
Importance Sampling of Glittering BSDFs based on Finite Mixture Distributions
Authors: Xavier Chermain, Basile Sauvage, Jean-Michel Dischler, Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2021 (DL-only track)
BRDF Importance Sampling for Linear Lights
Author: Christoph Peters Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum 40(8) (Proceedings of HPG 2021)
BRDF Importance Sampling for Polygonal Lights
Author: Christoph Peters Teaser
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics 40(4) (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2021)
Real-Time Geometric Glint Anti-Aliasing with Normal Map Filtering
Authors: Xavier Chermain, Simon Lucas, Basile Sauvage, Jean-Michel Dischler, Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: i3d Vol 4 (1), 2021
Stochastic Volume Rendering of Multi-Phase SPH Data
Authors: Max Piochowiak, Tobias Rapp and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum, 40(1), 2021
Publications 2020
Path Differential-Informed Stratified MCMC and Adaptive Forward Path Sampling
Authors: Tobias Zirr and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020)
Portal-Based Path Perturbation for Metropolis Light Transport
Authors: Hisanari Otsu, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) 2020
Uncertain Transport in Unsteady Flows
Authors: Tobias Rapp and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Accepted to IEEE VIS 2020 short papers.
Visual Analysis of Large Multivariate Scattered Data using Clustering and Probabilistic Summaries
Authors: Tobias Rapp and Christoph Peters and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Accepted to IEEE SciVis 2020. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Procedural Physically based BRDF for Real-Time Rendering of Glints
Authors: Xavier Chermain, Basile Sauvage, Jean-Michel Dischler, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Pacific Graphic 2020, CGF issue
Temporal Sample Reuse for Next Event Estimation and Path Guiding for Real-Time Path Tracing
Authors: Addis Dittebrandt, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2020
Temporal Normal Distribution Functions
Authors: Lorenzo Tessari, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Droske Teaser
Published: Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2020
Improving Spectral Upsampling with Fluorescence
Authors: Lars König, Alisa Jung, Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: 8th Annual Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling (MAM 2020)
Moment-Based Opacity Optimization
Authors: Mahmoud Zeidan, Tobias Rapp, Christoph Peters, and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (2020)
Detecting Bias in Monte Carlo Renderers using Welch’s t-test
Authors: Alisa Jung, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques Vol. 9 (2), 2020
Spectral Mollification for Bidirectional Fluorescence
Authors: Alisa Jung, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum 39(2) (Eurographics 2020)
Sensor-Realistic Simulations for Evaluation and Planning of Optical Measurement Systems with an Application to Laser Triangulation
Authors: Mahsa Mohammadikaji, Stephan Bergmann, Jürgen Beyerer, Jan Burke, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: IEEE Sensors Journal (Early Access), Feb. 05, 2020.
Publications 2019
Brute-force calculation of aperture diffraction in camera lenses
Authors: Emanuel Schrade, Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Technical Report December 20, 2019; KIT, Karlsruhe
Visualizing Transport and Mixing in Particle-based Fluid Flows
Authors: Tobias Rapp and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) 2019
Real-time Room Reverb in Large Scenes using Transport Path Precomputation
Authors: Gregor Mückl and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (to appear)
Spectral Rendering with the Bounded MESE and sRGB Data
Authors: C. Peters, S. Merzbach, J. Hanika, C. Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: MAM 2019: Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling
Void-and-Cluster Sampling of Large Scattered Data and Trajectories
Authors: Tobias Rapp and Christoph Peters and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Accepted to IEEE SciVis 2019. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Wide Gamut Spectral Upsampling with Fluorescence
Authors: Alisa Jung, Alexander Wilkie, Johannes Hanika, Wenzel Jakob, Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum 38(4) (Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)
Distortion-free Displacement Mapping
Authors: Tobias Zirr and Tobias Ritschel
Published: High-Performance Graphics 2019
Analyzing the Interaction of Vortex and Gas–Liquid Interface Dynamics in Fuel Spray Nozzles by Means of Lagrangian-Coherent Structures
Authors: T. F. Dauch, C. Ates, T. Rapp, M. C. Keller, G. Chaussonet, J. Kaden, M. Okraschevski, R. Koch, C. Dachsbacher, H.-J. Bauer
Published: Energies, Special Issue Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Fuel Spray in Engines
Hybrid Online Autotuning for Parallel Raytracing
Authors: K. Herveau, P. Pfaffe, M. Tillmann, W. F. Tichy, C. Dachsbacher
Published: EuroGraphics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV) 2019
Using Moments to Represent Bounded Signals for Spectral Rendering
Authors: C. Peters, S. Merzbach, J. Hanika, C. Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics 38(4) (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2019)
Sampling Projected Spherical Caps in Real Time
Authors: C. Peters, C. Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 2:1 (i3D 2019)
Publications 2018
Moment-Based Methods for Real-Time Shadows and Fast Transient Imaging
Authors: Christoph Peters
Published: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2017, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Geometry-Aware Metropolis Light Transport
Authors: Hisanari Otsu, Johannes Hanika, Toshiya Hachisuka, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Accepted: ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(6) (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2018)
Selective guided sampling with complete light transport paths
Authors: Florian Reibold, Johannes Hanika, Alisa Jung, and Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Accepted: ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(6) (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2018)
Sensor-realistic simulation of images in diffraction-limited imaging systems
Authors: Mahsa Mohammadikaji, Stephan Bergmann, Jan Burke, Jürgen Beyerer, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: TM - Technisches Messen Volume 85, Issue s1
Highly Efficient Computation of Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponents (FTLE) on GPUs Based on Three-Dimensional SPH Datasets
Authors: T.F. Dauch, T. Rapp, G. Chaussonnet, S. Braun, M.C. Keller, J. Kaden, R. Koch, C. Dachsbacher, H.-J. Bauer
Published: Computers & Fluids
A Simple Diffuse Fluorescent BBRRDF Model
Authors: A. Jung, J. Hanika, S. Marschner, C. Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: EG Digital Library (MAM2018: Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling)
Image-based Fitting of Procedural Yarn Models
Authors: Alina Saalfeld, Florian Reibold, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: EG Digital Library (MAM2018: Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling)
Applying Visual Analytics to Physically-Based Rendering
Authors: G. Simons, S. Herholz, V. Petitjean, T. Rapp, M. Ament, H. Lensch, C. Dachsbacher, M. Eisemann, E. Eisemann
Published: Computer Graphics Forum
Gradient Estimation for Real-Time Adaptive Temporal Filtering
Authors: Christoph Schied, Christoph Peters, Carsten Dachsbacher Teaser
Published: Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
Transport Path Precomputation for Real-time Room Reverb
Authors: Gregor Mückel and Carsten Dachsbacher
Accepted: Processings of ACM Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2018
Moment-Based Order-Independent Transparency
Authors: Cedrick Münstermann, Stefan Krumpen, Reinhard Klein and Christoph Peters
Published: Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 1:1
Reweighting Firefly Samples for Improved Finite-Sample Monte Carlo Estimates
Authors: Tobias Zirr, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum
Inspection Planning for Optimized Coverage of Geometrically Complex Surfaces
Authors: Mahsa Mohammadikaji, Stephan Bergmann, Stephan Irgenfried, Jürgen Beyerer, Carsten Dachsbacher and Heinz Wörn
Accepted: by IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT 2018
Efficient Random Sampling - Parallel, Vectorized, Cache-Efficient, and Online.
Authors: Peter Sanders, Sebastian Lamm, Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider, Emanuel Schrade and Carsten Dachsbacher.
Published: ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 44(3):29:1--29:14, January 2018.
Publications 2017
Microfacet-based normal mapping for robust Monte Carlo path tracing
Authors: Vincent Schüssler, Eric Heitz, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia), 36(6):205:1--205:12, November 2017
Image formation simulation for computer-aided inspection planning of machine vision systems
Authors: Stephan Irgenfried, Stephan Bergmann, Mahsa Mohammadikaji, Jürgen Beyerer, Carsten Dachsbacher and Heinz Wörn
Published: Proc. SPIE 10334, Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision II, 1033406 (June 26, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2269166
Spatiotemporal Variance-Guided Filtering: Real-Time Reconstruction for Path-Traced Global Illumination
Authors: Christoph Schied, Anton Kaplanyan, Chris Wyman, Anjul Patney, Chakravarty R. Alla Chaitanya, John Burgess, Shiqiu Liu, Carsten Dachsbacher, Aaron Lefohn, Marco Salvi Teaser
Published: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics 2017
Local quasi-Monte Carlo Exploration
Authors: Lorenzo Tessari, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2017 (EI&I track)
Line Integration for Rendering Heterogeneous Emissive Volumes
Authors: Florian Simon, Johannes Hanika, Tobias Zirr, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering) 2017
Fusing state spaces for Markov chain Monte Carlo rendering
Authors: Hisanari Otsu, Anton Kaplanyan, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Toshiya Hachisuka
Published: Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 35(4):1--10, August 2017.
Multiple vertex next event estimation for lighting in dense, forward-scattering media.
Authors: Pascal Weber, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher.
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), April 2017.
Physically based computer graphics for realistic image formation to simulate optical measurement systems
Authors: Max-Gerd Retzlaff, Johannes Hanika, Jürgen Beyerer, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 6, 171-184, 2017.
Probabilistic Surface Inference for Industrial Inspection Planning
Authors: Mahsa Mohammadikaji, Stephan Bergmann, Stephan Irgenfried, Jürgen Beyerer, Carsten Dachsbacher and Heinz Wörn
Published: IEEE Winter Conference on Applicatons of Computer Vision
Memory-Efficient On-The-Fly Voxelization of Particle Data (Extended Version)
Authors: Tobias Zirr and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 23(7), pp. 1767-1781, 2017.
Publications 2016
Quantitative Exploration of Large Medieval Manuscripts Data for the Codicological Research
Authors: Swati Chandna, Francesca Rindone, Carsten Dachsbacher and Rainer Stotzka
To appear: Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 2016
An Interactive Information Visualization Approach to Physically-Based Rendering
Authors: Gerard Simons, Marco Ament, Sebastian Herholz, Carsten Dachsbacher, Martin Eisemann and Elmar Eisemann
Published: Proceedings of International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2016 (VMV 2016)
Efficient Random Sampling - Parallel, Vectorized, Cache-Efficient, and Online
Authors: Peter Sanders, Sebastian Lamm, Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider, Emanuel Schrade and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Technical Report Oktober 2016, arXiv:1610.05141
A Phenomenological Approach to Integrating Gaussian Beam Properties and Speckle into a Physically-Based Renderer
Authors: Stephan Bergmann, Mahsa Mohammadikaji, Stephan Irgenfried, Heinz Wörn, Jürgen Beyerer and Carsten Dachsbacher
Paper Teaser
Published: Proceedings of International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2016 (VMV 2016)
Improving the Dwivedi Sampling Scheme
Authors: Johannes Meng, Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbarcher Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), 2016
Sparse high-degree polynomials for wide-angle lenses
Authors: Emanuel Schrade, Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbarcher
Paper Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), 2016
Lightcut Interpolation
Authors: Hauke Rehfeld, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Proceedings of the Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics 2016 Paper
Extinction-Optimized Volume Illumination
Authors: Marco Ament, Tobias Zirr, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, May, 2016
Multiple-Scattering Microfacet BSDFs with the Smith Model
Authors: Eric Heitz, Johannes Hanika, Eugene d’Eon and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: ACM SIGGRAPH 2016
Estimating local Beckmann roughness for complex BSDFs
Authors: Nicolas Holzschuch, Anton Kaplanyan, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: In SIGGRAPH 2016 Talks
A Framework for the Automatic Analysis and Interactive Exploration of Document Aesthetics
Authors: Guido Reina, Sebastian Grottel, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Technical Report April 21, 2016; KIT, Karlsruhe
Ambient Volume Illumination
Authors: Marco Ament, Daniel Weiskopf, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering, 18(2):90-97, 2016
Real-time Rendering of Procedural Multiscale Materials
Authors: Tobias Zirr and Anton Kaplanyan
Published: ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2016
Potential and Challenges of using Computer Graphics for the Simulation of Optical Measurement Systems
Authors: Max-Gerd Retzlaff, Johannes Hanika, Jürgen Beyerer, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: 18. GMA/ITG Fachtagung: Sensoren und Messsysteme 2016, pages 322-329, Mai 2016, doi: 10.5162/sensoren2016/5.1.1
A Framework for Uncertainty Propagation in 3D Shape Measurement using Laser Triangulation
Authors: Mahsa Mohammadikaji, Stephan Bergmann, Stephan Irgenfried, Jürgen Beyerer, Carsten Dachsbacher, Heinz Wörn
Published: 2016 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference
Publications 2015
Anisotropic Ambient Volume Shading
Authors: Marco Ament and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1):1015-1024, 2016

(Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2015)

State of the Art in Artistic Editing of Appearance, Lighting, and Material (extended CGF version)
Authors: Thorsten-Walther Schmidt, Fabio Pellacini, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Wojciech Jarosz, and Carsten Dachsbacher
homepage Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (This is the extended CGF version of the corresponding Eurographics 2014 State of the Art Report)
Low-Cost Subpixel Rendering for Diverse Displays (invited presentation at EGSR 2015)
Authors: Thomas Engelhardt, Thorsten-Walther Schmidt, Jan Kautz, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Homepage Talk Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (invited presentation at Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2015)
Improved half vector space light transport
Authors: Johannes Hanika, Anton Kaplanyan and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), 34(4) 2015
Deferred Attribute Interpolation for Memory-Efficient Deferred Shading
Authors: Christoph Schied and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics 2015
Multi-Scale Modeling and Rendering of Granular Materials
Authors: Johannes Meng, Marios Papas, Ralf Habel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Steve Marschner, Markus Gross, and Wojciech Jarosz
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2015)
The SGGX Microflake Distribution
Authors: Eric Heitz, Jonathan Dupuy, Cyril Crassin, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2015)
Extracting Microfacet-based BRDF Parameters from Arbitrary Materials with Power Iterations
Authors: Jonathan Dupuy, Eric Heitz, Jean-Claude Iehl, Pierre Poulin, and Victor Ostromoukhov
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering) 2015
Physically Meaningfull Rendering using Tristimulus Colours
Authors: Johannes Meng, Florian Simon, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering) 2015
Stochastic Soft Shadow Mappping
Authors: Gabor Liktor, Stanislav Spassov, Gregor Mückl, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering) 2015
Synthesizing images using parameterized models for automated optical inspection (AOI)
Authors: Max-Gerd Retzlaff, Josua Stabenow, Jürgen Beyerer, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: tm - Technisches Messen, Volume 82, Issue 5, pages 251-261, May 2015, doi: 10.1515/teme-2014-0041
Image-based reprojection using a non-local means algorithm
Authors: Clemens Roegner, Michael Wimmer, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Technical Report TR-186-2-05-2, Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology
Visualization of Coherent Structures of Light Transport
Authors: Tobias Zirr, Marco Ament, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Paper Paper
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EuroVis 2015)
Memory-Efficient On-The-Fly Voxelization of Particle Data
Authors: Tobias Zirr and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2015, Best Paper Award
Rich-VPLs for Improving the Versatility of Many-Light Methods
Authors: Florian Simon, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2015)
Image- and Video-Based Rendering
Authors: Christian Lipski, Anna Hilsmann, Carsten Dachsbacher, Martin Eisemann
Published: Book Chapter in Digital Representations of the Real World – How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality
(Editors: Marcus A. Magnor, Oliver Grau, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Christian Theobalt)
Publications 2014
Principal-Ordinates Propagation for Real-Time Rendering of Participating Media
Authors: Oskar Elek, Tobias Ritschel, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Hans-Peter Seidel
Published: Computers and Graphics 45, 2014 (Extended version of GI paper)
Computational Visualization of Scalar Fields
Authors: Marco Ament
Published: Dissertation, University of Stuttgart, 2014
Synthetic Image Acquisition and Procedural Modeling for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Systems
Authors: Max-Gerd Retzlaff, Josua Stabenow, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: International Forum on Image Processing 2014, pages 47-59, 2014, doi: 10.5445/KSP/1000043608
Interactive Appearance Editing in RGB-D Images
Authors: Stephan Bergmann, Tobias Ritschel, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Proceedings of International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2014 (VMV 2014)
Fractional Reyes-Style Adaptive Tessellation for Continuous Level of Detail
Authors: Gabor Liktor, Minghao Pan, Carsten Dachsbacher
Paper Video
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2014)
Filtering Multilayer Shadow Maps for Accurate Soft Shadows
Authors: Kai Selgrad, Carsten Dachsbacher, Quirin Meyer, Marc Stamminger
Published: Computer Graphics Forum
Real-Time Isosurface Extraction with View-Dependent Level of Detail and Applications
Authors: Manuel Scholz, Jan Bender, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum
Low-Pass Filtered Volumetric Shadows
Authors: Marco Ament, Filip Sadlo, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Daniel Weiskopf
Paper Video
Published: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2014)
Refractive Radiative Transfer Equation
Authors: Marco Ament, Christoph Bergmann, and Daniel Weiskopf
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2014)
Hero wavelength spectral sampling
Authors: Alexander Wilkie, Sehera Nawaz, Marc Droske, Andrea Weidlich, and Johannes Hanika
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering) 2014
Talk: Lighting Challenges
Authors: Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Lighting & Rendering, FMX 2014
Clustered Pre-convolved Radiance Caching
Authors: Hauke Rehfeld, Tobias Zirr and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2014
Precomputed Sound Scattering on Structured Surfaces
Authors: Gregor Mückl and Carsten Dachsbacher
Paper Video
Published: Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2014
The Natural-Constraint Representation of the Path Space for Efficient Light Transport Simulation
Authors: Anton S. Kaplanyan, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Preprint Supplementary Talk Thumbnail
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2014)
Multiplexed Metropolis Light Transport
Authors: Toshiya Hachisuka, Anton S. Kaplanyan, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2014)
Course: Recent Advances in Light Transport Simulation: Some Theory and a lot of Practice
Presenters: Jaroslav Křivánek, Alexander Keller, Iliyan Georgiev, Anton S. Kaplanyan, Marcos Fajardo, and Mark Meyer
Talk Talk2
Published: ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Courses
Dual-Color Mixing for Fused Deposition Modeling Printers
Authors: Tim Reiner, Nathan Carr, Radomír Měch, Ondřej Šťava, Carsten Dachsbacher, Gavin Miller
Published: Computer Graphics Forum 33(2), Eurographics 2014
State of the Art in Artistic Editing of Appearance, Lighting, and Material
Authors: Thorsten-Walther Schmidt, Fabio Pellacini, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Wojciech Jarosz, and Carsten Dachsbacher
homepage Teaser
Published: Eurographics 2014 - State of the Art Reports, Strasbourg, France
Efficient Monte Carlo rendering with realistic lenses
Authors: Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2014)
Tutorial: Path Integral Methods for Light Transport Simulation: Theory & Practice
Presenters: Jaroslav Křivánek, Iliyan Georgiev, Anton S. Kaplanyan and Juan Cañada
Part 1: MCMC Methods Part 2: Comparisons Teaser
Published: EUROGRAPHICS 2014 Tutorial
Talk: Advanced Light Transport Simulation
Presenters: Alexander Keller, Toshiya Hachisuka, Anton S. Kaplanyan and Jaroslav Křivánek
Published: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, Special Session
Interactive Light Scattering with Principal-Ordinate Propagation
Authors: Oskar Elek, Tobias Ritschel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Hans-Peter Seidel
Published: Graphics Interface 2014 — Michael A. J. Sweeney Award 2014, Best Graphics Paper
Scalable Realistic Rendering with Many-Light Methods
Authors: Carsten Dachsbacher, Jaroslav Krivanek, Milos Hasan, Adam Arbree, Bruce Walter, and Jan Novak
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (This is the CGF version of the corresponding Eurographics 2013 State of the Art Report)
Publications 2013
Course: State of the Art in Photon Density Estimation
Authors: Toshiya Hachisuka, Wojciech Jarosz, Iliyan Georgiev, Anton S. Kaplanyan, Derek Nowrouzezahrai
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2013)
Path-Space Manipulation of Physically-Based Light Transport
Authors: Thorsten-Walther Schmidt, Jan Novak, Johannes Meng, Anton S. Kaplanyan, Tim Reiner, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Talk Teaser
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2013)
Adaptive Progressive Photon Mapping
Authors: Anton Kaplanyan, Carsten Dachsbacher
Paper Talk Video Thumbnail
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH 2013)
Path Space Regularization for Holistic and Robust Light Transport
Authors: Anton Kaplanyan, Carsten Dachsbacher
Paper Supplementary Talk Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2013)
Adaptive Quantization Visibility Caching
Authors: Stefan Popov, Iliyan Georgiev, Philipp Slusallek, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2013)
Low-Cost Subpixel Rendering for Diverse Displays
Authors: Thomas Engelhardt, Thorsten-Walther Schmidt, Jan Kautz, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Homepage Teaser
Published: Computer Graphics Forum
Course: Recent Advances in Light Transport Simulation: Theory & Practice
Presenters: Jaroslav Křivánek, Iliyan Georgiev, Anton S. Kaplanyan and Juan Cañada
Talk Talk2 Video Teaser
Published: ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Courses
Scalable Realistic Rendering with Many-Light Methods
Authors: Carsten Dachsbacher, Jaroslav Krivanek, Milos Hasan, Adam Arbree, Bruce Walter, and Jan Novak
homepage Teaser
Published: Eurographics 2013 - State of the Art Reports, Girona, Spain
Illumination Editing and Visualization for Physically-based Rendering
Presenters: Thorsten-Walther Schmidt, Anton S. Kaplanyan


Part 1 (60MB)


Part 2 (342MB)

Authors: Thorsten-Walther Schmidt, Jan Novak, Johannes Meng, Anton S. Kaplanyan, Tim Reiner, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: FMX 2013 Conference Talk, Stuttgart, Germany
Interactive Direct Volume Rendering with Many-light Methods and Transmittance Caching
Authors: Christoph Weber, Anton S. Kaplanyan, Marc Stamminger, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Proceedings of International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2013 (VMV 2013)
Level of Detail for Real-Time Volumetric Terrain Rendering
Authors: Manuel Scholz, Jan Bender, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Proceedings of International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2013 (VMV 2013), Best Paper Award
Progressive Visibility Caching for Fast Indirect Illumination
Authors: Justus Ulbrich , Jan Novak, Hauke Rehfeld, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Proceedings of International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2013 (VMV 2013)
Object-order ray tracing for fully dynamic scenes
Authors: Tobias Zirr , Hauke Rehfeld , Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Book Chapter in GPU Pro 5 (Editor Wolfgang Engel)
Application-independent Autotuning for GPUs
Authors: Martin Tillmann , Thomas Karcher , Carsten Dachsbacher , Walter F. Tichy
Published: ParCo-Symposium — Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE).Advances in Parallel Computing 25, IOS Press, 2014.
GPU Cost Estimation for Load Balancing in Parallel Ray Tracing
Authors: Biagio Cosenza, Carsten Dachsbacher, Ugo Erra
Published: International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Decoupled Deferred Shading on the GPU
Authors: Gabor Liktor and Carsten Dachsbacher  
Published: GPU Pro 4 article
Efficient From-Point Visibility for Global Illumination in Virtual Scenes with Participating Media
Authors: Thomas Engelhardt
Published: Dissertation
Publications 2012
Approximate Bias Compensation for Rendering Scenes with Heterogeneous Participating Media
Authors: Thomas Engelhardt, Jan Novak, Thorsten-Walther Schmidt, and Carsten Dachsbacher
homepage Approximate Bias Compensation
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2012), Hong Kong, September 2012
Space-Time Flow Visualization of Dynamics in 2D Lagrangian Coherent Structures
Authors: Filip Sadlo, Sven Bachtaler, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Daniel Weiskopf
Published: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2012
Progressive Virtual Beam Lights
Authors: Jan Novak, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Wojciech Jarosz
Published: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EGSR 2012)
Virtual Ray Lights for Rendering Scenes with Participating Media
Authors: Jan Novak, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Wojciech Jarosz
Published: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2012)
Realistic Rendering with Many-Light Methods
Authors: Jaroslav Krivanek, Milos Hasan, Adam Arbree, Carsten Dachsbacher, Alexander Keller, and Bruce Walter
Published: SIGGRAPH 2012 Courses, Los Angeles, August 2012
3D Rasterization: A Bridge between Rasterization and Ray Casting
Authors: Tomás Davidovic, Thomas Engelhardt, Illiyan Georgiev, Philipp Slusallek, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Graphics Interface 2012
A Runtime Cache for Interactive Procedural Modeling
Authors: Tim Reiner, Sylvain Lefebvre, Lorenz Diener, Ismael García, Bruno Jobard, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computers & Graphics 36(5), Shape Modeling International 2012
Reflective Shadow Map Clustering for Real-Time Global Illumination
Authors: Roman Prutkin, Anton Kaplanyan and Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Proceedings of Eurographics 2012 Short Papers
The State of the Art in Interactive Global Illumination
Authors: Tobias Ritschel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Thorsten Grosch, and Jan Kautz
Published: Computer Graphics Forum, 2012
Rasterized Bounding Volume Hierarchies
Authors: Jan Novak, Carsten Dachsbacher
paper webpage
Published: Computer Graphics Forum 31(2), Eurographics 2012
Decoupled Deferred Shading for Hardware Rasterization
Authors: Gabor Liktor, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2012
Selective Inspection and Interactive Visualization of Light Transport in Virtual Scenes
Authors: Tim Reiner, Anton Kaplanyan, Marcel Reinhard, Carsten Dachsbacher
  Eurographics Best Paper Award (3rd Place)
Published: Computer Graphics Forum 31(2), Eurographics 2012
Selective Inspection and Interactive Visualization of Light Transport in Virtual Scenes
Authors: Tim Reiner
Published: Talk at FMX 2012, 17th Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia
Space-Time Visualization of Dynamics in Lagrangian Coherent Structures of Time-Dependent 2D Vector Fields
Authors: Sven Bachthaler, Filip Sadlo, Carsten Dachsbacher, Daniel Weiskopf
Published: Proceedings of IVAPP 2012
Proceedings ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics High-Performance Graphics
Authors: Carsten Dachsbacher, Jacob Munkberg, and Jacopo Pantaleoni
Published: Paris, France, Eurographics Association, June 2012
Keynote: Global Illumination – Solved Problem or Challenge?
Authors: Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Keynote at Eurographics Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2012, Cagliari, Sardinia, May 2012
Publications 2011
Analyzing Visibility Configurations
Authors: Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Auto-Tilt Photography
Authors: Filip Sadlo, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: 16th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization
Deducing Explicit from Implicit Visibility for Global Illumination with Antiradiance
Authors: Gregor Mueckl, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Journal of 19th International conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2011
Diffuse Global Illumination with Temporally Coherent Light Propagation Volumes
Authors: Anton Kaplanyan, Wolfgang Engel, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: GPU Pro2: Advanced Rendering Techniques
Improved Model- and View-Dependent Pruning of Large Botanical Scenes
Authors: Boris Neubert, Soeren Pirk, Oliver Deussen, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computer Graphics Forum 2011
Interactive Modeling of Implicit Surfaces using a Direct Visualization Approach with Signed Distance Functions
Authors: Tim Reiner, Gregor Mueckl, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: Computers & Graphics 35(3), Shape Modeling International 2011
Loose Capacity-Constrained Representatives for the Qualitative Visual Analysis in Molecular Dynamics
Authors: Steffen Frey, Thomas Schloemer, Sebastian Grottel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Oliver Deussen, Thomas Ertl
Published: IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2011)
Path Regeneration for Random Walks
Authors: Jan Novak, Vlastimil Havran, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: GPU Computing Gems
Real-Time Volume Caustics with Adaptive Beam Tracing
Authors: Gabor Liktor, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: ACM SIGGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2011
Screen-Space Bias Compensation for Interactive High-Quality Global Illumination with Virtual Point Lights
Authors: Jan Novak, Thomas Engelhardt, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published: In Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D '11)
Publications 2010
Instant Multiple Scattering for Interactive Rendering of Heterogeneous Participating Media
Authors:  Thomas Engelhardt, Jan Novak, Carsten Dachsbacher   
Published:  Technical Report, December, 8, 2010, KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Interactive On-surface Signal Deformation
Authors:  T. Ritschel, T. Thormählen, C. Dachsbacher, J. Kautz, H.-P. Seidel    
Published:  ACM Transactions on Graphics 29(3) (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2010)
Coherent Culling and Shading for Large Molecular Dynamics Visualization
Authors:  Sebastian Grottel, Guido Reina, Carsten Dachsbacher, Thomas Ertl     
Published:  Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EuroVis 2010), 2010
Cascaded Light Propagation Volumes for Real-time Indirect Illumination
Authors:  Anton Kaplanyan, Carsten Dachsbacher   
Published:  ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010
Epipolar Sampling for Shadows and Crepuscular Rays in Participating Media with Single Scattering
Authors:  Thomas Engelhardt, Carsten Dachsbacher   
Published:  ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010
Parallel Computation and Interactive Visualization of Time-varying Solvent Excluded Surfaces
Authors:  Michael Krone, Carsten Dachsbacher, Thomas Ertl     
Published:  ACM Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Short Papers, 2010
Path Regeneration for Interactive Path Tracing
Authors:  Jan Novak, Vlastimil Havran, Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  Eurographics Short Papers, 2010
Hierarchical Item Buffers for Granular Occlusion Culling
Authors:  Thomas Engelhardt, Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  Chapter in GPUPro - Advanced Rendering Techniques, 2010
Real-Time Volumetric Caustics with Projected Light Beams
Authors:  Gabor Liktor, Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  Fifth Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry, 2010
Publications 2009
Micro-Rendering for Scalable, Parallel Final Gathering
Authors:  T. Ritschel, T. Engelhardt, T. Grosch, H.-P. Seidel, J. Kautz, C. Dachsbacher  
Published:  ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings SIGGRAPH Asia 2009) 28(5), December 2009
Perceptual Influence of Approximate Visibility in Indirect Illumination
Authors:  I. Yu, A. Cox, M. H. Kim, T. Ritschel, T. Grosch, C. Dachsbacher, J. Kautz   
Published:  ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (Presented at APGV 2009) 6(3), 2009
Technical Report: 3D Rasterization -- Unifying Rasterization and Ray Casting
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Philipp Slusallek, Tomas Davidovic, Thomas Engelhardt, Mike Phillips, Iliyan Georgiev   
Published:  VISUS/Saarland University Technical Report, August 20, 2009
The Gödel Engine - An Interactive Approach to Visualization in General Relativity
Authors:  Frank Grave, Thomas Müller, Carsten Dachsbacher, Günter Wunner
Published:  Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EuroVis 2009)
Technical Report: Analyzing Visibility Configurations
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher   
Published:  VISUS Technical Report, February 28, 2009
Data-Parallel, Hierarchical Link Creation
Authors:  Quirin Meyer, Christian Eisenacher, Marc Stamminger, Carsten Dachsbacher  
Published:  Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2009
Granular Visibility Queries on the GPU
Authors:  Thomas Engelhardt, Carsten Dachsbacher
Published:  ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2009
Structure-Preserving Reshape for Textured Architectural Scenes
Authors:  Marcio Cabral, Sylvain Lefebvre, Carsten Dachsbacher, George Drettakis  
Published:  Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics conference), 2009
A Compute Unified System Architecture for Graphics Clusters Incorporating Data-Locality
Authors:  Christoph Müller, Steffen Frey, Magnus Strengert, Thomas Ertl, Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Featured Article, 2009
Publications 2008
Imperfect Shadow Maps for Efficient Computation of Indirect Illumination
Authors:  Tobias Ritschel, Thorsten Grosch, Min H. Kim, Hans-Peter Seidel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Jan Kautz  
Published:  Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 (ACM Transactions on Graphics)
Octahedron Environment Maps
Authors:  Thomas Engelhardt, Carsten Dachsbacher   
Published:  Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2008
CUDASA: Compute Unified Device and Systems Architecture
Authors:  Magnus Strengert, Christoph Müller, Carsten Dachsbacher, Thomas Ertl   
Published:  Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2008, awarded and selected for publication in TVCG
Reducing Noise in Image-Space Caustics with Variable-Sized Splatting
Authors:  Chris Wyman, Carsten Dachsbacher   
Published:  Journal of Graphics Tools 13(1), 2008
Publications 2007
Implicit Visibility and Antiradiance for Interactive Global Illumination
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger, George Drettakis, Fredo Durand
Published:  ACM SIGGRAPH 2007
Efficient and Practical TileTrees
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Sylvain Lefebvre     
Published:  Shader X6
Authors:  Sylvain Lefebvre, Carsten Dachsbacher  
Published:  2007 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
Instant Sound Scattering
Authors:  Nicolas Tsingos, Carsten Dachsbacher, Sylvain Lefebvre, Matteo Dellepiane    
Published:  Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2007
A Perceptual Rendering Pipeline using Contrast and Spatial Masking
Authors:  George Drettakis, Nicolas Bonneel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Sylvain Lefebvre, Michael Schwarz, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon    
Published:  Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2007
Extending Geometrical Acoustics to Highly Detailed Architectural Environments
Authors:  Nicolas Tsingos, Sylvain Lefebvre, Carsten Dachsbacher, Matteo Dellepiane     
Published:  19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, 2007
PhD Thesis, 2006
Interactive Terrain Rendering - Towards Realism with Procedural Models and Graphics Hardware
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher   
Published:  PhD Thesis, awarded with the "Promotionspreis der Technischen Fakultät der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg" (price of the technical faculty of the university)
Publications 2006
Splatting of Indirect Illumination
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger  
Published:  2006 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
Sequential Point Trees, Chapter of the book -Point Based Graphics-
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger     
Published:  Morgan Kaufman/Elsevier
Procedural Reproduction of Terrain Textures with Geographic Data
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Tobias Bolch, Marc Stamminger  
Published:  Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2006
Improving Image-Space Caustics Via Variable-Sized Splatting
Authors:  Chris Wyman, Carsten Dachsbacher   
Published:  Tech Report, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Iowa, UICS-06-02. (in submission)
Interactive Diffuse and Glossy Indirect Illumination
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger   
Published:  ShaderX5, Charles River Media, Editor: Wolfgang Engel
Publications 2005
Reflective Shadow Maps
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger    
Published:  2005 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
Cached Procedural Textures for Terrain Rendering
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger     
Published:  ShaderX4, Charles River Media, Editor: Wolfgang Engel
Interactive Indirect Illumination
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger     
Published:  ShaderX4, Charles River Media, Editor: Wolfgang Engel
Progressive Radiosity auf programmierbarer Grafikhardware
Authors:  Anja Borsdorf, Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger     
Published:  Hardware for Visual Computing (Workshop)
Heightfield Synthesis by Non-Parametric Sampling
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Martin Meyer, Marc Stamminger     
Published:  Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2005
Hexagonal LOD for Interactive Terrain Rendering
Authors:  Gerd Sussner, Carsten Dachsbacher, Guenther Greiner    
Published:  Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2005
Perspektivische Shadow Maps
Authors:  Marc Stamminger, George Drettakis, Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  Spiele-Programmierung Gems 4 (German Translation of Game Programming Gems 4)
Publications 2004
Perspective Accurate Splatting
Authors:  Matthias Zwicker, Jussi Raesaenen, Mario Botsch, Carsten Dachsbacher, Mark Pauly     
Published:  Graphics Interface 2004
Perspective Shadow Maps
Authors:  Marc Stamminger, George Drettakis, Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  Game Programming Gems 4
Rendering Procedural Terrain by Geometry Image Warping
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger    
Published:  Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2004
Realtime Isosurface Extraction with Graphics Hardware
Authors:  Frank Reck, Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger, Roberto Gross, Guenther Greiner    
Published:  Eurographics 2004 Short Papers
Publications 2003
Sequential Point Trees
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Christian Vogelgsang, Marc Stamminger    
Published:  ACM Siggraph 2003
Punktbasiertes Rendering mit modernen Grafikkarten
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  Diploma Thesis
Translucent Shadow Maps
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Marc Stamminger     
Published:  Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2003
Courses, Tutorials, Key Notes
SIGGRAPH Course: Real-Time Global Illumination for Dynamic Scenes
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher, Jan Kautz   
Published:  presented at SIGGRAPH 2009, New Orleans, USA
Keynote Talk: Advances in GPU-Based Real-Time Global Illumination
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  6th Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference, Salerno, Italy, 2008
GDC Tutorial: Core Techniques and Algorithms in Shader Programming
Authors:  Wolfgang Engel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Vlad Stamate, Manchor Ko, Jerome Ko, Marco Salvi, Maxime Beaudoin, Marc McCubbin     
Published:  Game Developers Conference 2008, San Francisco
GDC Tutorial: Core Techniques and Algorithms in Shader Programming
Authors:  Wolfgang Engel, Tom Forsyth, Matthias Wloka, Kenneth Hurley, Martin Mittring, Lutz Latta, Vlad Stamate, Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  Game Developers Conference 2007, San Francisco
EG Tutorial: Point-Based Computer Graphics
Authors:  Marc Alexa, Carsten Dachsbacher, Markus Gross, Mark Pauly, Jeroen van Baar, Matthias Zwicker     
Published:  Eurographics 2003 Tutorial Notes
Invited Talks
Computergrafik? Überall!
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  Center for Art and Media (ZKM), October, 3, 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
Real-time Global Illumination in the Mid-term
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  Intel European Research and Innovation Conference (ERIC), September, 22, 2010, Braunschweig, Germany
Analyzing Visibility Configurations
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  Technical University Darmstadt, January, 29, 2010, Darmstadt, Germany
Visual Computing
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  University Heidelberg, January, 14, 2010, Heidelberg, Germany
Smart Observations for Smart Rendering
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  Tech Summit CryConference, November, 27, 2009, Frankfurt, Germany
Analyzing Visibility Configurations
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  University Magdeburg, November, 13, 2009, Magdeburg, Germany
Quantitative and Qualitative Visibility
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  TU Vienna, July, 23, 2009, Vienna, Austria
Visual Computing
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  Universität Karlsruhe, May, 22, 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
Global Illumination
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  ASIM Workshop Grundlagen der Modellbildung und Simulation, Stuttgart, Germany, 18.02.2009
Visual Computing
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  Universität Ulm, May, 30, 2008, Ulm, Germany
Invited Talk: Terrain Rendering
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  Computer Graphics Department, University of Erlangen, May 2007
Invited Talk: Approximate Global Illumination (Part 1) and Procedural Terrain Texturing (Part 2)
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  Rockstar Games, Core Technology Group, San Diego, CA, 2006
Invited Talk: Interactive Rendering of Indirect Illumination
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  Computer Graphics Department, Max-Planck-Institut, Saarbruecken, 2006
Invited Talk: Interactive Rendering of Indirect Illumination on GPUs
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher      
Published:  INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2005
Invited Talk: 4K-Intros in a Nutshell, Postmortem: Parsec
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  Computer Graphik Kolloquium/TU Muenchen, 2005, 4K Intros: Parsec, Ex Fabric, Mojo Dreams, ILM
Invited Talk: 4K-Intros in a Nutshell, Postmortem: Parsec
Authors:  Carsten Dachsbacher     
Published:  Informatik Kolloquium/Universitaet Ulm, 2005, 4K Intros: Parsec, Ex Fabric, Mojo Dreams, ILM
Other Publications
PC Underground Article Series (Column of the German PC Magazin)
Published:  PC Magazin 1998-2004, more than 70 articles, mainly on computer graphics
Section-Editor for ShaderX5, ShaderX6, and ShaderX7: Global Illumination
Published:  ShaderX5, ShaderX6, ShaderX7, Charles River Media, Editor: Wolfgang Engel