Addis Dittebrandt

  • Adenauerring 2, Geb. 50.20, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany


Optimizing Path Termination for Radiance Caching Through Explicit Variance Trading

Lukas Kandlbinder Addis Dittebrandt, Alexander Schipek and Carsten Dachsbacher

Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Volume 7, Issue 3, HPG, 2024.

Markov Chain Mixture Models for Real-Time Direct Illumination

Addis Dittebrandt, Vincent Schüßler, Johannes Hanika, Sebastian Herholz and Carsten Dachsbacher

Computer Graphics Forum, 42(4), 2023.

Stochastic Subsets for BVH Construction

Lorenzo Tessari, Addis Dittebrandt, Michael Doyle and Carsten Benthin

Computer Graphics Forum, 42(2), 2023. Honourable Mention

Temporal Sample Reuse for Next Event Estimation and Path Guiding for Real-Time Path Tracing
Temporal Sample Reuse for Next Event Estimation and Path Guiding for Real-Time Path Tracing

Addis Dittebrandt, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher

Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2020


SS2023 Übung Interaktive Computergrafik
WS2022/23 Übungen zu Computergrafik
SS2022 Übung Interaktive Computergrafik
WS2021/22 Praktika
SS2021 Praktika
WS2020/21 Praktika
SS2020 Übung Fotorealistische Bildsynthese

Betreute Arbeiten

2023 Wide PLOC: Direct construction of wide hierarchies with PLOC Bachelorarbeit
2022 Adaptive Path Space Filtering Masterarbeit
2022 Geometry-Aware VPL Queries Bachelorarbeit
2022 Faster Tree Cut Adaptation for Real-Time Next Event Estimation with Many Lights Bachelorarbeit
2021 Bounded Light Cuts für Next Event Estimation mit vielen Lichtquellen in Echtzeit Bachelorarbeit
2021 Compressed Octrees for Ray Tracing Acceleration Structures Bachelorarbeit