Übung zu Fotorealistische Bildsynthese

Übung zu Fotorealistische Bildsynthese



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16.07.15 James T. Kajiya and Brian P Von Herzen, 1984. Ray tracing volume densities. SIGGRAPH '84 Proceedings of the 11th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques 165-174
Jensen, H.W. and Marschner, S. and Levroy, M. and Hanrahan, P., 2001. A practical model for subsurface light transport. SIGGRAPH '01 Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques 511-518
09.07.15 Jensen, H.W. 1996. Global Illumination using Photon Maps. Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques 21-30
Hachisuka, T. and Ogaki, S. and Jensen, H.W. 2008. Progressive Photon Mapping. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Papers 130:1-130:8
18.06.15 Veach, E. and Guibas, L. J. 1995. Optimally combining sampling techniques for Monte Carlo rendering. Proceedings of the 22Nd Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 419-428
11.06.15 Clarberg, P. and Jarosz, W. and Akenine-Möller, T. and Jensen, H. W. 2005. Wavelet Importance Sampling: Efficiently Evaluating Products of Complex Functions. ACM Trans. Graph. 24, 3, 1166-1175
28.05.15 Torrance K. E. and Sparrow, E. M. 1992. Theory for Off-specular Reflection from Roughened Sourfaces. Journal of the Optical Society of America 57, 9, 1105-1112
Walter, B. and Marschner, S. R. and Li, H. and Torrance, K. E. 2007. Microfacet models for refraction through rough surfaces. Proceedings of the 18th Eurographics Conference on Rendering Techniques, 195-206
21.05.15 Cook R. L., Torrance K. E. 1982. A reflectance model for computer graphics. ACM Trans. Graph. 1, 1, 7-24
Heitz, E. 2014. Understanding the masking-shadowing function in microfacet-based brdfs Course Notes
30.04.15 Kajiya, J. T. 1986. The Rendering Equation Proc. SIGGRAPH 20, 4, 143-150 (Abschnitte 1, 2 und 6)
Jarosz, W. and Schönefeld, V. and Kobbelt, L. and Jensen, H. W. 2012. Theory, analysis and applications of 2D global illumination ACM Transactions on Graphics 31, 5 (Abschnitt 3)
23.04.15 Cook, R.L. and Porter, T. and Carpenter, L. 1984. Distributed Ray Tracing Proc. SIGGRAPH 18, 3, 137-145


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